What's this?
AntipodalWall is an standalone library designed to provide a so called "masonry" grid layout for Android (much like Pinterest app). This layout acommodates it's children views in a configurable number of columns letting them grow vertically as much as they need.

Why the name?
Well... the layout looks much like a masonry wall, but inverted. Like if it was in the antipodes.
The layout is still in an early stage of development. Specifically it needs work in memory handling for scrolling (view recycling), so right now it is not smooth with a lot of children and/or images.
How to use?
Assuming you’re using the Eclipse Development Environment with the ADT plugin version 0.9.7 or greater you can include AntipodalWall as a library project. Create a new Android project in Eclipse using the library/ folder as the existing source. Then, in your project properties, add the created project under the ‘Libraries’ section of the ‘Android’ category.
Then, in your XML layout file, you can add the layout like this:
You can also add view programatically from your activity like this:
Developed by
Daniel López Lacalle - expilu@gmail.com - Github @expilu